C3PO Download [1.14d Compatible!]

Download Legandary C3PO, the D2X2 Exclusive Maphack!
* Dan_Goon
the Jedi
사용자 아바타
글 수: 4005
가입일: 월 10월 24, 2005 1:52 pm

C3PO Download [1.14d Compatible!]

Post by Dan_Goon »

* Fixed the crashing problem on Windows 10 1703.

*** Diablo II Patch 1.14 Compatible! ***
Please refer to the file "How to 사용법.txt" in the zipped package for details.

New patch of D2 from 1.14 seems to have a new hack scan capabilities, which are not fully known yet.
The new version of R2Loader as well as the existing C3PO/R2D2 don't have enough protection for this new scans.
Hence you need to use it with discretion since there might be a chance to be banned as a hack user by using this package.
I don't take any resposibilities on consequences of using these files in any ways.

This version of C3PO is using Diablo II 1.13d client to connect to D2X2 server.

It gets much easier to install and use.
Anyone can use FL-0 function in bnet.
Just download the file below and follow the steps:

1. Create a folder to any place you like.
2. Unzip downloaded file to that folder.
3. Create a short cut of C3PO.exe to desktop.
4. Double clicked the short cut.
5. Just follow the C3PO initializing steps
6. After you launch a D2 instance using C3PO, select D2X2 in gateway selection.
7. It will proceed auto-update if any new patch is available.

8. When you create a new game account, you can choose any name/password
for the game account/password in the first stage, BUT AT LAST STAGE,


You only need to download this file just once for the first time.
It will be checked and updated automatically whenever you connect to D2X2 Server afterwards.

Most of the anti-virus programs block C3PO/R2D2 from running properly sometimes even without any messages.
Norton Internet Security and AVast Anti-Virus are the most reason of not-responding C3PO when R2D2 is loading.
You should exclude C3PO.exe, R2Loader.exe, R2D2.dll and R2Map.dgl from their block list or
you may need to disable or uninstall file scanning funtions permanently.

C3PO is not working on any other PRIVATE SERVERS anymore!
C3PO is working on legit battle.net and D2X2 realms only
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Last edited by Dan_Goon on 수 10월 11, 2017 10:19 am, edited 30 times in total.
DanGoon's Teaching
* Dan_Goon
the Jedi
사용자 아바타
글 수: 4005
가입일: 월 10월 24, 2005 1:52 pm

Post by Dan_Goon »

There are 4 of C3PO Function Levels as follows:

* FL-0
. Enabled Basic MapHack Functions.
. Extra Game Info Display such as Server IP, Elapsed Time or etc.
. Vector Display to 3 important locations.
. Display Unit Blobs in Minimap.
. Can change Item Name Color and can Hide Item.
. Extra Item Info Display in Front and/or Rear.
. Item Socket Protection.
. Move Item with RB-Click.
. Extra Monster Info Display.
. Enabled AutoQuit(Chicken) Function.

* FL-1
. Memorize Previous Game Name.
. Automatic Party Acceptance.
. Automatic Corpse Protection.
. Enabled Backgound Panning.
. View Other Units Equippment.
. Infra Vision
. Bulk Move Item with Alt+RB-Click.
. Pure Stat and Skill Display
. Function and Skill Button Icon Display
. Auto Healing.
. Auto Cast Defence Skills.
. Auto Cast Curse Skills.
. Auto SetFaster when in Low Level.

* FL-2
. Enabled Auto Follow.
. Auto Attack for Followers.
. Auto Repair and Refill for Followers.

* FL-3
. Account Manager.
. Item Manager for all accounts.
(. JEDi3)

Please be noted that the JEDi3 bot has been removed from FL-0.

Battle.net users and non-registered users of this site can use FL-0 for free.
And registered member of this site can use FL-1 in D2X2 Server for free.

Pay-to-play rates are as below:
1) FL-1 for up to 2 CdKey Sets or 2 Different Places: $5/Month or $50/Year
2) FL-2 for up to 2 CdKey Sets or 2 Different Places: $10/Month or $100/Year
3) FL-3 is not available yet for now.
Last edited by Dan_Goon on 금 3월 13, 2015 11:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
DanGoon's Teaching
* Dan_Goon
the Jedi
사용자 아바타
글 수: 4005
가입일: 월 10월 24, 2005 1:52 pm

About FL-1

Post by Dan_Goon »

* Now you can use R2D2's Function Level-1 for free when you connect to D2X2 Server.

So, here's a brief description of the features available only from FL-1.
At a glance, you must notice a big change in game screen as you see in the picture below.
In the lower-left corner, you will see the AutoSkill list and in the lower-right corner, you will see the AutoFunction icon buttons.


1. Function Icon Buttons in LR side: You can toggle each function on/off by clicking them with Ctrl + MouseLB.

[ Skill ] - AutoSkill Cast Mode: All the available AutoSkill will be listed in green color on left side if this mode is on.
[ Auto Curse ] - AutoCurse Cast Mode: All the available AutoSkill will be listed in orange color on left side if this mode is on.
[ Heal ] - AutoHeal Mode
[ Quit ] - AutoQuit Mode
[ Faster ] - AutoFaster Mode (it works only in lower character level)
[ HideItem ] - Hide Hidable Items.
[ ItemAfx ] - Show Extra Item Info.
[ ProtSkt ] - Socket Protection.
[ Panning ] - Background Screen Panning.
[ NoMinimz ] - Disable AutoMinimize Window.

2. AutoSkill List in LL side: You can toggle each skill on/off by clicking them with Ctrl + MouseLB.
And you can swap weapon bank to use by clicking with Ctrl + Alt + MouseLB.

Available but unusable skills will be displayed in gray color, and usable defense skills are in dark green and usable curse skills are in orange color.
Charged skills are displayed in different colors: defense skills are in blue, curse skills are in violet.

The left-most number in the skill list represents: 0 for turned off, 1 for front weapon bank, 2 for rear weapon bank.

Once you turn off and then on again the AutoSkill by toggling [ Skill ] icon, R2D2 will rescan all the skill's availability and their skill levels
and then it shows you the highest available skills with corresponding weapon bank numbers automatically.
But sometimes you may want to use a different item for the skill, not the one automatically chosen by R2D2.
You may want to use non-charged skill even it has lower skill level than the charged skill which is detected as a highest level, for example.
In this kind of situation, you can change the selection of your own by clicking Ctrl + Alt + MouseLB.

The number in [ ] right next to the bank number shows the skill level.

All the character specific selections and changes are saved into each character's save file.
So all the settings will be preserved for each character.

From now on, let me explain what are the AutoDefenseSkill and AutoCurseSkill briefly.

Defense Skill is the skill use to be casted for defense purpose.
Normally a skill containing 'armor' or 'shield' in its name is a defense skill.
And also summoning skills and some of the Barb's cries are included in defense skill.
But the Pally's Aura are not the defense skill.
These defense skills will be casted automatically when their buff effects are gone in out-of-town.

Curse Skill is the skill used in conjunction with main attack skill to maximize attacking effect or weaken the enemies.
They are mostly from Necro's curse skills and Amazon's Decoy and Inner Sight are also the curse skills.
These curse skills will be casted automatically in fixed time interval only when the player is attacking target.

As described above, these AutoSkills are casted automatically regardless of the player's will.
Please be noted that they may happen with higher priority then the manual control while the buttons are heavily in use during the play.
And right after you came out from the town, all the defense skill will be casted in sequence automatically so it may take up to several seconds to finish them.
So you'd better be careful and be prepared for emergency escape when many monsters are concentrated around the waypoint or the town portal.
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DanGoon's Teaching
* Dan_Goon
the Jedi
사용자 아바타
글 수: 4005
가입일: 월 10월 24, 2005 1:52 pm

AutoFollower function

Post by Dan_Goon »

[AutoFollower(AF) function guide]
1. Introduction
'AutoFollower'(AF) function is basically an automated leader character following bot.
It helps a leader to proceed the questing, leveling and mf-ing along with multiple of followers without switching the game Windows
in and out by processing attackings, buff and curse castings, self healing, reparing, refilling and meeting the mandatory NPCs
for the quests automatically.

In order to use this feature, you need to have FL-2 level of C3PO and 'AutoFollow Functions' enabled in 'Key Config' tab page.
When the function is enabled, 'AF' indicator is shown in the Mana Orb in the game screen.

2. How to assign/release followers as a leader
Have all the characters join a game and form a party altogether.
The leader character now can assign followers by clicking (Ctrl + Shift + LB) on each follower's name string in the party list box or
on each portrait icon on upper left corner of the game screen (as in the screenshots below).


Followers are indicated by red, purple or blue color bar under their portraits and state/mode numbers (refer to session 4) are
shown in their portraits as well. Followers' names in the party list also change their colors to blue.

The release method of a follower is almost same as the assignment method, except pressing the RB instead of the LB.
If you press (Alt + 0), then all the follower assignment is released at once.

3. How to assign/release a leader as a follower
You can assign or release a leader and then be a follower by using almost the same method as above, except adding 'Alt' key
in the combination. I.e., you need to press (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + LB/RB) to assign/release a leader of yours.

A screenshot of a follower right after the assignment is as below:


The leader is indicated by bright gold color bar under the portrait and the follower's state/mode number is displayed beneath
the feet along with the name of the leader. The leader's name in the party list also changes its color to gold.

And the Key Group Set number is changed to 4 (shown in mana orb) but you can change it to something else later on.

Also, two more Function Icons are added in the right above the mana orb as below:
1) [ Refill ]: Auto Item Refill and Repair on/off
2) [ Aggressive ]: Aggressive Attack Mode on/off

Some of buff skills are casted even in a town immediately right after you are assigned as a follower.

4. Follower's States and Mode Controls
This AF function is designed to let a leader can control all the followers in leader's side with minimum intervention during the play,
however, it may have some bugs, glitches or inevitable situations so you have to keep your eyes on followers if they are following you
and attacking ememies properly, or if they carry enough potions, portal scrolls, quivers, gold or etc.

If a follower is lost, stuck or blocked by something, it will send a whispering message to the leader about the situation.
The leader may resolve the situation by simply going around to that follower to get its moving path altered, or you may need to
control the followers manualy in worst case.

The follower's States/Modes consist of 2 basic states and 3 temporal modes as shown below, and the state number is displayed
right under the follower's playing character or inside each follower's portrait on the leader's screen.

State-1 (Alt + 1) (Move Mode): Can move to follow the leader or can attack ememies.
State-2 (Alt + 2) (Stop Mode): Cannot move and stay still.

Mode-3 (Alt + 3) (Take Portal Mode): Take nearby Portal(*1) to go in or out of the town, and then change to State-2.
Mode-4 (Alt + 4) (Defense Check Mode): Drink potions and cast all buffs. Update quest status as well(*2).
Mode-9 (Alt + Back): Back off couple of steps or resurrect itself to the town if it has died.

(*1) This command is useful when you want to make all the followers retreat quickly back to the town at once, or send them all
out of the town first and then the leader goes after.
The priority of which portal to take first is:
1) The leader's portal
2) The follower's portal of itself
3) Other party member's portal
4) Create one if no portal is found (out of town)

(*2) Sometimes a quest status is not updated until 'Q' is pressed to check the quest log.
Followers may not aware of updated quest status for this reason, so it happens time to time a follower is not meeting the
quest NPC automatically.
This situation can be resolved in the leader's side by simply pressing (Alt + 4) to get all the followers' quest status updated.

5. Follower's Auto Defense and Attack Modes
Follower's AutoDefense (Buff) and Curse castings are controlled by settings in the skill list shown in lower left corner of the screen.
In-town castable Buffs are casted in-town, while the other Buffs are casted immediately right after it gets out of the town.

Follower's AutoAttack mode can be toggled on/off by pressing (Alt + A) key in the follower's side.
When it's turned on, the follower's portrait in the leader's screen is tagged by red (Aggresive Attack Mode) or purple (Defensive Attack Mode).
When it's turned off, the color is changed to blue.

When in Aggresive Attack Mode and the follower is in State-1, and the leader is within 24 yards, then it will attack all the ememies
witin 16 yeards.
When in Defensive Attack Mode and the follower is in State-1, it only attaks back to the attackers.
The Attack Mode can be changed by clicking (Ctrl + LB) on [ Aggresive ] icon in screen.

The weapons and skills to be used for these Auto Defense/Attack are determined with the front weapons and the skills assigned to
left and right mouse buttons when a character is assigned as a follower. And these setting are remain intact even if you change the
weapon bank or skill settings while in action.
If you want to change these setting after the assignment, you should turn [ Skill ] icon off and on again after you change the
settings as you want.

6. Follower's Extra Auto Features
1) It learns waypoints automatically when a new waypoint is in close proximity.
2) It picks up proper amount of gold, potions, portal scrolls, arrows and bolts to servive in fields for itself.
3) When in out of the town, if the leader is dead or quits the game, all the followers gets back to the town as quickly as possible.
4) It deposits gold to the stash if it is in close proximity.
5) It meets healing or reparing NPC as needed if they are in close proximity.
6) It refills potions, scrolls, arrows or bolts as needed if a vendor is in close proximity.
7) It resurrects dead mercenary if the NPC is in close proximity.
8) It meets mendatory quest NPCs and even travel to next act to help the leader can proceed quests with minimum intervention.

7. Automated Next Game Creation/Joining
1) Full Automated Next Game droving (Ctrl + Alt + N)
A leader can create the next game and drive all the followers to the new game with this simple key command.

2) Automated Follower Invitation (Ctrl + Alt + I)
After a leader created and joined a new game manually, you can invite all the followers standing by in previous game
with this simple key command.

3) Automated Next Game Joining (Ctrl + Alt + J)
If you are a manual follower, then you can join a next game with this simple key command.
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