페이지 11

D2X2 Test (English)

Posted: 금 6월 07, 2013 7:13 am
by Dan_Goon
Please report all the bugs, crashes, problems and any odd behaviors here.

And please follow the reporting protocol:

1. Describe the situation in detail as possible to let me reproduce it.

2. Attach R2D2.log and D2******.txt files in C3PO folder and/or screen shots if applicable.

3. Check if the problem occurs only in specific environment - specific resolution mode, character type, location, you name it.

4. Test on single player or original battle net to see if the same problem occurs.

5. Test with "R2Loader.exe" only or original "Diablo II.exe" to see if the same problem occurs.


Posted: 월 2월 03, 2014 12:34 am
by LifeWatcher
Is it ok, that c3po destroys other gateways in regedit? I play in 2 different realms and everytime I have to add another realm with regedit and play there without using c3po. And when I go to your realm using c3po, it delete(s) gateway again.

Posted: 월 2월 03, 2014 3:59 am
by Dan_Goon
I think I did something wrong on last patch.
I'll fix that by next patch with in a few days.

Posted: 월 2월 03, 2014 4:19 am
by LifeWatcher
Thank you a lot!